Project Management
INTACS Project Construction System
Software project management mendukung berbagai macam jenis usaha kontraktor baik sipil, M/E dan lain-lain. Solusi ini membatu untuk merencanakan dan mengendalikan proses konstruksi dimulai dari pembuatan RAB dan RABP sampai laporan S Curve.
Sistem ini dapat dengan mudah dirubah dan dimodifikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan tanpa bantuan dari IT programer.
Aplikasi ini sangat membantu perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kendali atas aktivitas pekerjaan konstruksi.
Key Benefits
Accelerates production while eliminating many types of waste such as setup, excess inventory, unnecessary handling, waiting, low equipment utilization, defects, and rework.
Labour productivity is an important factor in the success of a company. To summarise, it impacts total output, capital productivity and various costs incurred by a company, and not only on labour costs. Hence, it is not a waste of time to improve labour productivity. A company’s output is as much dependent on labour productivity as it is on capital productivity. Similarly, it is necessary to increase labour productivity just as it is necessary to increase capital productivity. This calls for a total approach to productivity for the successful running of an organisation.
Throughout the quality improvement process, it is essential that strong process discipline is employed. Depending on the product that is being manufactured, deviation without proper team cooperation and anticipation of the change could have dire quality repercussions. While the organization should avoid cumbersome bureaucracy that inhibits innovation, it is essential that some structure be employed to maintain consistency and an understanding of the way the product is produced during that time period so that root cause can also be identified later if new problems arise as a consequence of the change.
Inventory is a significant and visible asset in most companies – often the largest. INTACS Dynamics Manufacturing help to reduce it through Reduce replenishment lead times, Revise order cycles/quantities, Improve your forecasting, Centralize your inventory, and Reduce variability of demand and supply.
The impact of manufacturing on lead-time is most significant in limitations placed on the development of the production schedule and sequence, based on supply constraints or plant-specific sequencing rules.
Best Features and Functionality
Berdasarkan order penjualan ( make to order, engineer to order ), atau perhitungan MRP
secara tepat dan akurat dapat memberikan informasi rencana produksi yang meliputi apa yang harus diproduksi, berapa banyak yang harus diproduksi dan berapa banyak harus diproduksi.
Merancang struktur bill of material berdasarka masing-masing work center. Dapat digunakan multi level Bill Of Material.
Mengendalikan proses produksi masing-masing unit kerja ( work center ) dengan mengukur efisiensi dan kendali pemakaian material sesuai dengan Bill Of Material.
Di integrasikan dengan unit Quality Analysis untuk menjaga dan mengendalikan hasil produksi sesuai dengan kwalitas yang disyaratkan oleh pelanggan.
Perhitungan harga pokok produksi dengan menggunakan standard costing sehingga dapat diukur efisiensi produksi secara keseluruhan dan mendapatkan laporan variance analysis sehingga dapat ditelusuri efisiensi masing-masing item bahan baku, bahan pembantu dan bahan pendukung maupun efisiensi unit kerja.
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